When you exercise, your brain releases chemicals called endorphins that create feelings of euphoria, the so-called "runner's high" that people can become chemically addicted to.

Without it, you feel irritable and worthless until you exercise again. So keep exercising, never stop listening to what your body is saying. And what he says is "Wait".

The reason exercise addicts push themselves is probably because of what happens when they don't work out. Psychologists at the University of Massachusetts in Boston have studied the psychological consequences of the inability to exercise. They compared 30 male and female runners who had sustained minor injuries for at least two weeks, with a similar group who kept running. Those who couldn't run had more symptoms of depression, anxiety, and confusion, and were less satisfied with themselves and their bodies. Like other addictions, exercise, he says, seems to be a withdrawal symptom of aches and pains

Overindulgence harms not only the mind, but the body as well. Initially, the exercise will do what it is supposed to do, give you a fit body, but once you cross the limit it can be fatal. Muscle damage, osteoarthritis, heart problems are just waiting to appear.

The body has its limits and if you push it beyond that limit, you will hurt yourself.

Obsessive exercise occurs in new users, people who have just started exercising. They are so eager to get in shape that they push their limits.

The first symptoms of involuntary exercise may be exhaustion, but this builds up fatigue. It can do "irreparable damage to the body".

It is not only the muscles that are at risk, but also the bones. Some "recreational" athletes push themselves to the point of injury, such as shin sprains or stress fractures, then refuse to rest, causing more and possibly permanent damage.

Even a morning walk is not without risk. Running too much can lead to osteoarthritis.

When you move, you work against gravity. Thus, you cause more damage to your knee joint than you exercise your muscles. Many patients who walk for an hour every day complain of knee pain. In fact, jogging also damages the knees. Too many sit-ups can also hurt. The spine can be weak for more than 10 days a day. Moderation, as always, is key.

You should start slowly and combine different types of workouts, something obsessed athletes tend to forget. A complicating factor with exercise addicts is that they do the same workouts day after day, which increases the potential for permanent damage.

Never train so much that you feel completely exhausted at the end. About 45 minutes to an hour, four to five days a week should be your limit. Your workout should leave you feeling refreshed and energized. And make a pint every week to take the day off. This is important because your body needs to rest and recharge.

The key to doing this is in your attitude. Exercise is the way to a healthy life. So if you're doing it just to indulge yourself while you're standing in front of the scale, you're destroying the whole purpose of the exercise. Staying healthy should be a priority. So stop fighting with your body and you will be a happier person.

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